15.6. Reminder Settings

  • Reminder settings allows the administrator to set reminders for the users to complete the pending activity like pre-works, requests not approved, give the feedbacks, update the action plans, invitations and nominations for the training programs.
  • The reminder settings are normally set at a, global level or local level.
  • If the administrator sets the remainder at global level; it is applicable to all the available trainings.
  • When the reminder is set at local level, it is applicable only to the particular training instances.

To access reminder settings:

Click System-Button System > Reminder Settings. The following Reminder Settings screen appears displaying details on reminder Situations and Actions.


Different types of reminder setting as follows:

Situations Actions
APSettingtoReview1Cycle1 If the supervisor has not reviewed his/her team members updated action plan within X no of days in the first cycle, then a first reminder mail will trigger to supervisor.
APSettingtoReview2Cycle1 If a supervisor has not reviewed his/her team members updated action plan within X no of days in the first cycle, then a first reminder mail will trigger to supervisor.
APSettingToUpdate1 First reminder mail that will trigger to users who have not updated their first cycle action plan by X no of days.
APSettingToUpdate2 Setting reminder mail that will trigger to users who have not updated their first cycle action plan by X no of days.
APUpdateToSupervisor A consolidated mail will trigger to supervisor by X No of days if any of his/her team members have not updated their action plan even after the end date.
MaxSeatReminder A mail will trigger to admin if the nomination count does not meet maximum users count by X no of days before the training program starts.
PostFillFeedback A mail will trigger by X no of days after the program ends to all attended users who have not filled their feedback.
Prework If the users have not uploaded their pre-work resources by X no of days before the training program starts, then a reminder mail will trigger to those users.
ProgramInvitation1 First program invitation mail will trigger by X no of days to all confirmed users before the training program starts.
ProgramInvitation2 Second program invitation mail will trigger by X no of days to all confirmed users before the training program starts
SupervisorReqNotApproved If the supervisor has not approved his/her team members request for a private training even after X No of days post users request, then requester will get a mail.
WaitingListNomination A mail will trigger by X no of days before the training program starts with users who are in waiting list.

15.6.1. Edit Reminder Settings

To edit reminder:

Click Edit . The following Edit Reminder screen appears with the respective fields to be edited.



Active-Button when checked, only the respective reminder mails will be triggered for the users.